Demystifying IIoT –The Weather Station

Demystifying IIoT –The Weather Station:

For most organizations today, the concept of IIoT is still new.

System One developed a method that allows decision makers the opportunity to create their own first IIoT solution.


The Weather Station is essentially a lab that allows users to get their hands dirty and build plug sensors with breadboards, and to program Raspberry Pis.

System One teaches attendees how to build a Machine Learning model and deploy the web services. We wrap up by showing attendees how to connect the Weather Station they built to display a temperature prediction from the model.

Once the users build their own Machine Learning model, train the model, deploy the model, and see their prediction on what kind of day it is outside, they experience a huge moment of clarity. It becomes apparent how they can overlay this in their own processes to reap the true value of such a solution!