The War Room


The War Room

This is where System One goes on site and creates a war room to test the models. At one facility, we were able to set up multiple big screen monitors throughout the room, with each one displaying a dashboard.  The dashboards displayed control charts from the sensors which were streaming live data. There were control limits on each chart to indicate whether the sensors were within their limits or out of control.

System One was able to see actual predictions on the first screen.  When the data indicated a scrap event was about to happen, we looked across all the dashboards and noted what sensors were not within their control limits. We quickly started to see a pattern where several common sensors would go out of control when scrap events occurred.

The organization was then faced with determining how to adjust those sensors after discovering the problems. There are way too many for any human to calculate the variations. This becomes very apparent during each changing of the seasons. The lines will run at a different temperature, but the outcome still needs to be the same. All the sensors need to be adjusted so they work in harmony to orchestrate lower levels of scrap. This was a monumental discovery!